Dating, relationships, Uncategorized

Are Black Women Being Hustled By Black Male Relationship Coaches?


One day as I was scrolling down my Facebook timeline, I came across a video by Derrick Jaxn, whose messages take aim at Black women, specifically, single Black women. In his videos, he gives women all the warning signs of a cheating, no good man. Now, this brother- who describes himself as a self-love ambassador- is very easy on the eyes, has a smooth, deep voice, and he clearly works out, because his muscles were bulging, which made it easy for me to want to stop and listen to what he was talking about. I clicked on his profile and found that he has several videos in which he warns Black women about f**kboys, cheaters, liars, and just men who are no good in general.


Having just gotten divorced less than 2 years ago, and realizing that I have a better chance of being invited to have dinner with the Trump’s than I have of finding a man worth dating- as I’ve unfortunately run across a f**kboy or 2 myself- it was easy for me to find myself agreeing with all the things Jaxn was saying. His videos are informative and it was refreshing to see an educated brother trying to look out for us women, who can sometimes be naive when we think we’re in love with a man, or who sometimes do just plain stupid things, all in the name of love. For instance, in one of Jaxn’s Instagram posts he’s telling women what makes us wife material.


Click to read the rest of this article on HuffPost Black Voices…

relationships, Sex, Sexual soul ties

Think casual sex is temporary? Think again..


I remember seeing this on someone’s Facebook page, and sharing it to my author page several months back, and it’s been on my mind ever since. I read it over and over, and it’s eerie how true it is. Many women, especially single women, will hook up with guys…some random, some of whom we acutally date, and even marry. If and when the relationship ends, we think we can just move on and forget all about the guy who did’t make the cut. But are we truly free from them?

“LADIES be careful of the Men you let into your heart and enter your body. Sex is not only a physical exchange– it is also a spiritual exchange. Sex is powerful and a direct pathway into your temple. Some of you can’t get over that low life of a man because the demons he carries within him still torment you spiritually. You KNOW in your gut that even though he looks attractive…something about him ain’t right. Yet, something still keeps luring you to him. Your mind and body wrestles back and forth with spiritual principalities and “sexual soul ties.” Sexual soul ties BIND you to that man, men his type, and the dark spirits that follow him. Some women often wonder why the SAME type of dude always pursue them… Why they ATTRACT the same type of guy after they got rid of the scum bag that plagued their life.. Its that FAMILIAR Spirit he left with You !!! BE CAREFUL who you open yourself up to receive in your bed. — “If He ain’t Prayed Up, Don’t be Laid Up!” — Kaliburius S. Bigelow