
Bad Mom/Me Time

After sitting at home on yet another Saturday night, watching psycho chicks try to kill other women all in the name of love on Lifetime, I decided I needed a night out…even if I had to go somewhere by myself. I made up my mind last night that I was going to go see Bad Moms at the movies, because I was long overdue to put on some real clothes and get out of the house for some activity that didn’t involve lying on my couch. Of course, when I woke up this morning, I laid in my bed for a while, trying to come up with good enough excuses to NOT go to the movies: (1) it costs too much, (2) the closest movie theater is forty-five miles away (but so is everything else we like to do for fun),(3) how will I possibly get out of the house without my daughter wanting to come. After going back and forth, I said screw it; I got dressed (luckily my daughter was still sound asleep and my 17 year old son was home) and I sneaked out of the house for a little mommy me time.

With the windows down and my music bumping, I enjoyed the drive to the movies, I stopped at a gas station and got two pieces of the greasiest, most delicious fried chicken I’ve ever had, and knee-drove as I ate it. Because I know going to the movies these days costs an arm and a leg, I refuse to buy snacks at the theater, especially after paying the costs of the movie ticket itself. So, I did what I always do- I stopped somewhere and got snacks to sneak into the movies in my purse. Today, I felt like ice cream, so I made a quick stop at the Cold Stone Creamery next door to the movie theater and got my favorite- banana caramel crunch. My mouth is watering just thinking about how good it was. It was a little more of a struggle trying to sneak ice cream into the movies in my purse, but never underestimate a woman on a mission…or a budget. And the movie was hilarious. There were only about twenty people in there, which was fine with me because I got to prop my feet up on the back of the chair in front of me, recline my seat back, and enjoy.

I don’t know when I’ll be able to sneak away from the kids again, but mom’s (whether married or single) do yourselves a favor and take some time out for yourself every now and then. It doesn’t make you a ‘bad mom’ to take a breather from the youngin’s once or twice a month. The house was still in tact once I got back, so this impromptu mom’s day was a success.

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#SundaySelfie Enjoying a little #MommyMeTime today

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Tips for dealing with divorce..


A year ago, I was a married woman- not a happily married woman- but a married one. There were signs and red flags popping up everywhere I turned, alerting me to the fact that divorce was inevitable. I tried holding onto my marriage and husband for as long as I could, until I just got tired of lying to myself, my kids, and everyone else, pretending that I was living happily ever with my husband. I knew that getting a divorce would open the door to some difficult times ahead, but having never been married or divorced before, even I didn’t expect to think and feel the way I did.

Now, seven months into my divorce, I am finally learning how to deal with and understand my feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It was, and still is hard being on my own again, but everyday it gets easier and I feel less bat-shit crazy. If you are newly separated or divorced, I’m going to give you a few tips that I’ve learned along the way that might help you deal with how you’re feeling.

1. You will think you need meds and therapy, because you will become temporarily bipolar. Even if you saw the demise of your marriage coming (as I did) you will still go through a range of emotions when the time actually comes to take the steps to end your marriage. You will be happy and excited one day because you finally made the decision to end it, and you will be a crying, blubbering mess the next day for the exact same reason. Embrace these divorce bipolar mood swings, as I call them. You’re not crazy, you don’t need to be thrown into a straight jacket and a padded room. It’s perfectly normal to cry, to be angry, upset, anxious, excited about the future, and sad all at the same time. Cry as often as you need to; find someone you trust to confide in and if you are like me, and don’t prefer to do a lot of talking, buy a journal to express your feelings in or start a blog, of course. Whatever you need to do to help you get through this process, do it. You will find that expressing how you’re feeling rather than bottling them up inside, helps you in the long run.

2. Your ex-husband will become a jerk and you will want to hate him. Since my divorce, I’ve come across the statement: ‘You never really know a man until you divorce him’ several times. I approve this statement. There was already tension, animosity, and resentment floating in the air between my ex and I prior to the divorce, but going through the divorce had all of these feelings on ten. Even though I saw it coming, I still had my days when I was sad that it was ending. A part of me even wondered if we couldn’t possibly work it out…until my ex reminded me exactly why we were headed towards divorce in the first place. He was cold and downright mean a lot of days and unlike me, he acted as if he couldn’t have cared less that our marriage was ending, which made me seriously despise him.  He was insensitive to me and my feelings, even telling me at one point that it would be just fine with him when I finally left. Maybe he said that just to be cruel, maybe he meant it, maybe he didn’t…but my dislike for the man he became during our separation was evidenced in the fact that I wouldn’t speak to him for weeks at a time while we waited to go to court. Try not to take his arrogance and rudeness personal. Most men aren’t as tough as they try to act and when they’re hurting, they will act out and do and/or say whatever they have to in order to make you hurt too. Try not to stoop to his level.

3. But once it’s over, he will make an attempt to stay in your life in some way or another. They say you never miss what you had until it’s gone. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to divorce, especially if your ex initially acted as if he was going to go out and party once the wicked witch (you) was gone for good. Even if he moves on (and most of them will because most men use other women and sex to get over a breakup) he will still want to remain in your life, whether it’s because he genuinely still has feelings for you and wants to be friends, or because he can’t stand the thought of you moving on, so he’ll hover around like a dark cloud, or because he wants to see if you still love him enough to allow him to hit you up for a quick booty-call every now and then…he will come back. Don’t fall for it unless you really want him back in your life. You can’t move forward if you keep looking back, and men know this. Sometimes, the ‘let’s still be friends’ crap is a manipulation tactic to prevent you from finding someone else. As long as they remain a fixture in your life, they assume you won’t be so quick to move on. And if moving on is what you’re trying to do, cut all ties with him. Be cordial, but leave it at that.

4. No matter how happy you say you are to be free, times will get hard. Unless you’ve prepared for your divorce by saving money in anticipation of dark and stormy days ahead, you will suddenly find yourself broke and struggling to make ends meet, and this will be even worse if you have kids. One of the best things about marriage is having two people working and paying household expenses, and even then it can still be rough. Now that you’re single and all household bills and expenses fall squarely on you, you will feel overwhelmed and stressed, which can lead to anxiety. After my divorce, I found another place for me and my kids to live, and all of the moving expenses put me so deep in debt, several months went by before I was able to get my checking account out of the negative. I wanted to break down and cry, but stressing and crying solves absolutely nothing. I knew being on my own again wouldn’t be easy, but you have to remember to take it one day at a time. You might have to live off of ramen noodles and bologna sandwiches for a while, until you’re back on your feet, but you’ll get there. Also, as hard as it may be, put your pride aside and ask for and accept help if you need it. It doesn’t make you less of a woman to let family and friends help you get back on your feet and again, if kids are involved, you need to remember that it’s not just you that’s being affected by the divorce.

5.Be prepared for the many lonely (and horny) days and nights that lie ahead of you. For me, I’d stopped being intimate with my ex long before we divorced, so I was already used to not having much sexy time in my life anyway. But after your divorce, unless you jump right back into dating, you are going to be single for a while, and being single can be pretty lonely sometimes. Find yourself some new hobbies, get out of your pjs and out of the house as much as you can. I don’t have many girlfriends, but even if you have to take yourself to a movie or out to eat, do that. I thought it would be weird dining alone, but I actually love it. Go to a painting class, get a gym membership, do something other than become a binge eating, Lifetime watching couch potato. Even if you miss your ex, don’t spend all of your time at home thinking about him and your failed marriage, because while you’re pining away over him, he’s moved on already with your replacement, not thinking about you.

6. You’ll find out how your in-laws really felt about you. I learned this one the hard-and rather disappointing- way. While I expected my ex to blame the demise of our marriage all on me, I had hoped that after nearly ten years together, his family would come to me and at least hear my side, especially since they’d always acted so kind to me and my kids. However, as soon as we separated, I learned that they were only being nice to me because I was married to him. After we separated, whenever I ran into his family members, they gave me a shoulder as cold as Antarctica. And if like me, you actually liked your in-laws and thought they liked you, it will hurt. What you have to remember is that family members rarely take the side of the outsider, even if you weren’t to blame for the marriage ending. Hard as it may be, accept it and move on.


7. Getting divorced can turn you into a bitter bitch. I’ve always been in love with the idea of love, a hopeless romantic. I believed that there was one special person out there, made just for me. But after getting divorced, my opinions about love and romance have changed drastically. I can’t count how many times, “Fuck you, love,” has entered my thoughts. I have found myself rolling my eyes when I hear a coworker talk about her boyfriend or scroll down my Facebook and Instagram timelines and see happy couples posting wedding, anniversary, and date night pics. Don’t give up on hopes of finding love again. It may seem like you’ve missed the one chance you had to not grow old alone, but don’t let divorce defeat you and change your outlook on love and relationships. What’s meant for you is for you. But whatever you do, DON’T LET LONELINESS CAUSE YOU TO SETTLE OR BACKTRACK TO YOUR EX. When you settle, you will find yourself with worse than what you had before. Be patient and again, find you some hobbies to keep you occupied. Take some time to get to know YOU and don’t be so quick to replace your ex. Love found you once, it will find you again.

8. Speaking of settling, stock up on douchebag repellant, because they will flock to your private messages like bees to honey, trying to take advantage of your newfound loneliness and single status. No sooner than I changed my Facebook status from ‘married’ to ‘separated’ my dms started blowing up. First of all, if a man can or will only interact with you in private, it’s a telltale sign that he’s hiding something (or someone) and is up to no good. No matter how bored and/or lonely your nights get, don’t fall for that crap. Tell them to kick rocks.Even if they do put their desire to date you out there for the world to see, take heed. A newly single woman is easy prey to womanizers, abusers, and wannabe players. I don’t know how many times I’ve said, ‘I’m single…not desperate.’ There’s nothing wrong with jumping back into the dating scene, but pay close attention to the men you’re going to meet and make sure they’re suddenly interested in you for the right reasons.

9. You might become the villian in your kids eyes. This one can be hard to deal with. Whether they are your exes biological or step-kids, realize that not only you and him will have to deal with the divorce..the kids will have to get used to a change in the family structure too, and they may not understand or like it. Attitudes and acting out are going to become a part of your new daily life, but try not to take it personal and let it upset and stress you out. Just like you’re having to adjust to your new single life, so are they.My ex was my children’s step-father, but he was in their lives as long as he was in mine, so my teenage son, especially, didn’t take the news of our divorce well. And even though both my ex and I had our faults, our getting divorced seemed to be all my fault in my son’s eyes. He expressed to me several times that he wished we could work out our problems and stay together, which always broke my heart a little more each time. Sit them down and talk to them and explain that even though you and your ex won’t be married anymore, he will still be their dad and a part of their lives, but it’s important for MOM to be happy too. It might take some time for kids to accept the divorce, but don’t get frustrated.

10. Ignore your families unwarranted advice and do what’s best for YOU. My ex was a charmer and because of that, my mother thought he was God’s gift to me. When I told her we were getting a divorce, she immediately blamed me, without even asking or waiting for me to tell her what led up to my divorce. Every time I turned around, I was being confronted by my family members wanting to know what happened and ‘Why’d I let that good man go?’ Even if your family thought your ex walked on water, only YOU know what really went on in your household and caused you to make the decision to end your marriage. You had to live with that man, not them. Don’t let anybody- family or not- guilt you into feeling bad for making the decision to walk away from a situation where you were unhappy.


Just married/engaged…so what

marriage1It’s summertime, which means it’s wedding season again. Everyday on my Facebook timeline, I see friends, relatives, and co-workers happily and proudly posting photos of their engagement rings with the ‘I said yes,’ captions; or newlyweds posting pics of their beautiful weddings, which look as if David Tutera himself decorated. And while I’m not bitter about other people’s happiness, a certain sadness does creep into my heart every now and then. You see, I am that girl who’s always wanted to be married…be some man’s wife. I’ve always hated dating, having to start over and meet a new guy that met my standards every time a relationship ended.Yet here I am again, having to start over, and it sucks.

From as early as my 18th birthday, I was wishing that my husband would ride up on his white horse and tell me to hop my ass on the back of it, then we’d ride off into the sunset. It would be many, many years down the road before my future husband would show up. I was 33 when a man finally chose me to be his wife, to be exact, and I was elated. For one thing, after my 30th birthday came and went and I still had no husband, I was sure I was going to be the newest permanent resident of  Old Maidsville- population 58,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo. Since I hate cats, I already had two kids to clean up after so I didn’t have the patience to care for a puppy, and I couldn’t even keep my goldfish alive for longer than a month, I was looking at a life of nothing but my romance novels to keep me warm at night. So, even though my ex-husband didn’t get down on one knee and ask me to marry him, even though there was no staged video proposal to catch my surprise reaction, and there was nothing really special about his proposal at all, nobody was more elated than me to finally be taken off the single woman market.

Neither of us were born rich, and we paid for our wedding on our own, cutting corners so that we could have the best wedding that $3,000.00 could buy. I didn’t have a wedding planner; I didn’t get the opportunity to go to a bridal shop with a few of my friends and relatives in tow and try on gown after gown until I finally ‘said yes to a dress.’ We had a home cooked buffet at the wedding- much of the food I got up and made myself the morning of the wedding- which meant I was already exhausted by the time I got dressed to walk down the aisle. We didn’t go on an expensive honeymoon, as we both had to be back to work two days after we said our I Do’s. Still, I was so happy to be married. I felt as though I’d finally accomplished something big. Let me explain why. No matter how smart or educated a woman is, if she’s still single, society considers her a failure. Questions like: “Why are you still single? “Why don’t you have a husband yet?” “Something must be wrong with you…are you one of those crazy chicks,” is what single women- successful or not- are often asked. So, even though I had managed to get myself an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice, even though I’d struggled to pay my own way through college as a single mom of two trying to get that degree, I still felt like I wasn’t SOMEBODY until I got a wedding band on my finger, because society makes women feel that being married should be every woman’s only and most important end-goal in life.

Still, I was obsessed with weddings, even after I got married. Because I didn’t have my dream wedding, I spent countless days and hours watching wedding shows and looking at wedding blogs, saving photos and planning for my do-over, which I planned to have one day. My ex-husband didn’t care one way or another, but I wasn’t happy with the small wedding we’d had, and I told him that on our five year anniversary, we were renewing our vows and having the wedding I wish we could have had. I had five years to plan for it, but in the meantime, I enjoyed life as a married woman. I put plans to further my college education on hold (AGAIN) and instead devoted all of my time to being a wife and mother. After all, I had finally found myself a husband, I had my two beautiful kids, so what else did I need. Unfortunately, when our five year anniversary rolled around, instead of renewing our vows and celebrating our anniversary in Vegas like I’d planned to do, we were finalizing our divorce.

Like most people, I often sit and mentally map out my future- what I hope to have and accomplish by a certain age. And like most people, I’d planned to stay married forever. I only wanted to get married once…not two or three times. My husband and I were going to last, and we were going to be happy and turn old and gray together. We were going to sit and tell our grandchildren how we met and other stories about our past. But life sometimes has other plans, and in the case of my marriage, life said, “I hate to interrupt your life, but it’s about to change course.” I have often been told never to question God’s reasons for allowing things to happen. If He closes a door, accept it and let it stay closed, so I can only assume that my getting a divorce was a part of God’s divine plan for me and my future.

However, it still saddens me sometimes that MY PLANS- the one’s I’d spent so much time mapping out and doing whatever I needed to do in order to make sure they were executed perfectly- were suddenly brought to a screeching halt, especially when I see someone else’s wedding announcements and photos. I’m no longer a wife. I no longer have a man to post couples photos with or share date night with. It’s just me, myself, and I, and I can’t even lie- it sucks sometimes. At the same time, I’ve lost my drive, my energy, my desire to even think about starting over again. Then one day, I came across a relationship quote that really sort of thumped me on the forehead and made me see things differently and I stopped mourning the death of my failed marriage. The quote stated: Anybody can get married, but STAYING married is what’s really special.

Makes perfect damn sense to me. People get married everyday. They plan these extravagant weddings- some couples even say it takes them years after the marriage to finish paying for it; they go on expensive destination honeymoons instead of taking that money and putting it towards buying a home…planning for their future. They do all of this so they can show off on Facebook and let people know how much they spent and how over-the-top their wedding was in exchange for likes, praise, and comments. Yet, many couples don’t actually plan for the actual marriage. When I was planning my wedding, I remember my ex-mother-in-law saying, ‘Don’t worry about spending a lot of money because it’s not the wedding day that matters…it’s all the days after the wedding that should matter.’ And she was absolutely correct. Give me a small wedding with ten people in attendance in my backyard and fifty wonderful years of wedded bliss with my husband over a $20,000.00 flashy wedding, only to get divorced within five years, any day.

It took me a while to finally realize that while it’s great to be happy and excited about your wedding, the wedding doesn’t mean a thing. Getting engaged or married doesn’t mean a thing and doesn’t make you special. Now, when I see people announcing their upcoming marriage and engagements, I don’t feel sad that my own marriage ended. I’m not envious or jealous of them, because that one special day doesn’t guarantee them a lifetime of happiness together, and that should be the real end-goal of a getting married. While I’ve always loved looking at other people’s wedding photos, what’s more impressive to me is when a couple can say we’ve been married ten, twenty, thirty years, despite the many problems and obstacles that come with reciting those marriage vows…now that’s impressive. Getting married is simple…STAYING married is deserves my praise and applause.


My Top 5 movies about divorce/breaking up

1. Waiting To Exhale- Because of course it would be numero uno on this list. Angela Bassett (Bernadine) going bat-shit crazy while yanking all of her husband’s clothes off the hangers and dragging all of his things to the garage while talking to herself, then setting it all on fire and walking away like a boss after he announced that he was leaving her for a white woman will remain a classic.


2. Tyler Perry’s Diary Of A Mad Black Woman– Charles was just a rude S.O.B. He waited until the nights of his twentieth anniversary to his wife, Helen, to tell her he despised everything about her. And to prove it, he had the maid pack up all of her things and put everything in the U-Haul truck he’d arranged to come and pick Helen and her clothes up. He strolls in with his mistress in tow, and tells Helen it’s over and when she refused to walk away quietly, he dragged her through their mansion, threw her out on her ass on the front porch, and slammed the door. Helen finds herself at Madea’s house, who convinces her that she needs to go back home and get everything that she rightfully deserves, which lands them in jail. Charles is into some dirty business and when he gets shot and nearly killed, his side-chick runs off with all of his money and Helen is left to nurse him back to health. At first, she made me proud by the way she tortured him, but then she had a come to Jesus moment, went soft, and felt sorry for him. Ugh! It was good up until that point though.

3. Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?– Basically, four married couples arrange to spend a weekend at a lodge, but they are all keeping secrets. Marcus has an STD that he thinks he got from another woman. But it’s Sheila’s husband, Mike who takes the cake, boldly bringing his side-chick (who’s also a good friend of Sheila’s)along with him him on the trip. Mike is such a douche bag that when the flight attendant embarrassed Sheila by telling her that because of her weight, she would have to purchase two seats on the plane, he gave her money and told her to rent a car and drive to the lodge..alone, while he and the mistress went on the place. During dinner once all the friends are together and Sheila finally manages to drive up the mountain without killing herself, Marcus’ wife, Angela (who hates Mike’s guts and suspects he’s cheating on her bestie Sheila) let’s it slip out that Mike is cheating on her, which in turn leads to everybody’s skeleton’s tumbling out of the closet at the dinner table. I just wanted to jump through the tv and give Sheila- who was completely hurt and blind-sided by the revelation- a high-five when she picked up the wine bottle and hit Mike over the head with it. Later she says, “I should have killed him.”


4. What’s Love Got To Do With It? Yes, this is a biopic about Ike & Tina Turner’s music, relationship, and troubled marriage, and while most of it is hard for me to watch because of the violent abusive scenes, one of my favorite moments (besides the one when she finally fights back in the back of the limo) is when they’re in court getting the divorce, and Ike is just being as ass and Tina pridefully tells the judge that she doesn’t want anything from him- the house, cars, or money and that, “All she wants is her name.” YES, Tina! Most scorned/abused women will try to take every penny a man has during the divorce, but Tina was basically like, ‘Keep your money…I don’t need it or you.’ It was at that moment that Ike knew- or should have known- that she was over him and he’d lost her.


5. Enough. I know J. Lo isn’t the greatest actress, but the story line was a good one- her husband deceivingly swept her off her feet, rescued her from her crappy waitressing job and gave her the good life, complete with the house with the white picket fence, the kid, and the dog…only it’s all a facade. He’s really psychotic as hell, has affairs and doesn’t care if she knows, and beats her on the regular. When she had had enough and attempts to leave, he makes her life hell. It’s a game of cat and mouse and thankfully, the mouse wins in the end. Any movie where a woman beats her abusive man’s ass is alright with me.