
Sips tea ☕🐸


This is just petty on so many levels. But so true. There are too many married single men walking around here. Everyday I see men praising their wives on social media, but spend all their free time in other women’s private messages, trying to flirt and hook up. I would rather my man not talk/post about me on Facebook at all, than to do this. #DownLow #LivingADoubleLife


You’ll be ok…

It’s perfectly normal to go through a range of emotions during the divorce process. One minute, you might feel happy to end a marriage that you were unhappy in; the next minute, you might feel sad, mad, like a failure, like a quitter- especially if you have children. You might spend days, weeks, or even months crying, wondering where it all went wrong, what you possibly could have done differently to make it work. But no matter how broken you feel, know that you will be ok. ❤



Girl, don’t you leave your “perfectly good man” because he cheated.

I follow Derrick Jaxn on Facebook because he often has great relationship advice for the ladies. Many man-babies probably call him a player-hater or a sellout, because he tends to call the weak, simple-minded, insecure wannabe players out on their trifling B.S. So, when I saw this video that he posted, I gave a major side-eye at the title: ‘Don’t let a “little” infidelity cause you to throw away a perfectly good man.’ Yep, I thought he was out of his rabbit ass mind too…until I actually watched the video. What he has to say on this issue makes perfect sense. He had me worried (and about to un-follow his ass) for a minute.  Watch the video below.



Blog Name Change

So, I decided to change the name of this blog from Not So Happily Ever After to Diaries of A Sarcastic Divorcée. I feel like this title suits my blog and the content better after reading a very interesting blog post earlier today. Basically, it was a letter with one man’s advice to married couples after getting a divorce from his wife of 16 years. Click the link below if you’re interested in reading it.


I thought this was such a great read, and one of the things that stuck out for me was when he said that marriage isn’t about living ‘happily ever after’ with your spouse. As the author stated- and something I learned from my own marriage- marriage is very hard work. Happily ever after is something that only happens in fairytales. Many people think that once they get married, they will ride off into the sunset with their spouse, and whatever problems or issues they may have had before they got married, or will have after the wedding day, will cease to exist. I hate to break it to you, but after the beautiful wedding is over, and the “I Do’s” are said and done, that’s when the real HARD work begins. I think that like me, most people really do get married and have every intention of only being with the man or woman you chose to marry- til death parts you- as your wedding vows stated. But, in the real world, things don’t always happen the way we wish they would. Every point that the author of the above article states is absolutely correct. In a marriage, both husbands and wives become content and complacent after a while. And sometimes, complacency leads to boredom, and boredom leads to distance between the two of you, and that distance oftentimes leads to divorce court.

I won’t reiterate all that was said in the referenced post, but both men and women, married, single, or divorced..do yourselves a favor and read it.



Damn you, Taylor Swift

Yesterday, I was at work and since it was a slow day, I decided to listen to the music I have on mp3 on my phone to make the time go by quicker. I am an avid music lover, and will listen to just about anything, and I often forget some of the songs I’ve downloaded over time. So, I was doing good, until Back To December by Taylor Swift came on. It is so crazy how one song can immediately put you all up in your feelings. I used to like Taylor, back when she sang country music. I’m not really feeling this new Taylor, but whatever. Anyway, I haven’t missed- or even thought about missing- my ex husband for a while, but something about the lyrics to this song had me reminiscing about our good times, and we did have a lot of them. I stayed strong, though. (Note to self: delete that song ASAP and replace with music from Beyonce’s Lemonade)

It’s perfectly normal to think about your ex after a divorce, but the important thing to remember is that you got divorced for a reason. Unless you jump right back into the dating pool after your divorce, you’re probably going to be alone for a while, and all sorts of thoughts will pop up in your head. But never let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone who didn’t love and appreciate you the way you deserve.


Nine times out of ten, unless there have been some major changes in how you two communicate with each other, you’ll pick right back up where you left off. It may be all good for a little while, but your old problems will eventually resurface. Then again, I’ve heard of some couples who married, divorced, and got married again, so it might just work out. As for me, I’m good. Like time, I move forward, not backwards.